Environmental Social & Governance
Policies at
Ward Holdings International
How Sustainable Market Driven Industrialization SMDI, stands for Industrialization that Respects Humanity, Serves the Earth on Which we Rely, and Respects the Ward Holdings Intl Community of Constituents
Governance Policy
Board & Governing Policies
Ward Holdings International maintains high standards of corporate governance, including transparency in its operations, ethical business practices, and compliance with local and international laws and regulations.
Ward Holdings International engage with stakeholders and respond to their concerns in a timely and respectful manner. We lead with courage and work with purpose and values to, inform and inspire everything we do, and how we do it.
We are on a mission to make Africa’s supply chains deeply and durably good for its people. That means working with purpose and doing what’s right — whatever it takes.
We never forget it takes all of us. This includes our employees, governing bodies, committees, Executive team, and Board of Directors.
We are grounded in the principles of integrity, honesty, transparency, respect, and human rights.