Environmental Social & Governance
Policies at
Ward Holdings International
How Sustainable Market Driven Industrialization SMDI, stands for Industrialization that Respects Humanity, Serves the Earth on Which we Rely, and Respects the Ward Holdings Intl Community of Constituents
Environmental Policy
Ward Holdings International aims to minimize its environmental footprint by implementing sustainable farming practices, reducing water usage, and promoting biodiversity. We strive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and waste and use renewable energy sources where possible. We seek to eliminate hunger without destroying the planet.
We align with the principle behind the UN Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) Globally Important Agriculture Heritage Systems (GIAHS) to highlight ways of farming which have proven resilient in the face of political and climate change to deliver food security.
We understand and appreciate that the wealth and breadth of accumulated knowledge and experience in the management and use of resources is a globally significant treasure that needs to be promoted and conserved and, at the same time, allowed to evolve.
WHI Environmental Policy
WHI Social Policy
WHI Governance Policy